Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Today, I am thankful for the miracles

In the past month, I've felt keenly aware of many of the blessings I often take for granted.

1. Sight. I've had eye problems for over a month now: what I thought was an eye infection, broken glasses (twice), an eye appointment, a broken contact, another eye appointment, the wrong contacts, new glasses ordered, then finally after the new contact came, another one had to be ordered. Wow. I can honestly say that I've never been so grateful to be able to see. I was young enough when I first got glasses and contacts that I don't think I've quite appreciated what a great blessing it is.

2. The ability to walk. About a week ago, my hip suddenly started acting funny. It has been hurting with every step. This morning I woke up, and it felt fine. What a blessing.

3. Sleep. Most of you know what your sleep schedule is like with a new baby. Well, they wake up even more when you work a cold into the picture. For two nights now, Alice has slept at least 8.5 hours straight. Though I wake up wondering if everything is okay, I am so grateful to sleep well. I feel like I'm a much better mom when I am well rested.


Megan Smith said...

Yay for Alice sleeping longer! :) Sleep is a wonderful thing!

sara said...

Those are good blessings. Lasik is also a blessing. You should try it.

I knew Alice would be my favorite niece. Sleeping babies are the best!

Net said...

Funny how so many seemingly small things we take for granted on a regular basis. I hope I can be more appreciative without having to lose them.