Monday, August 11, 2008

The truth comes out...

Thanks to the blog of my friend Kyle, I decided to take this ice cream quiz. Well, I must say, I am surprised. I mean, of course I agree with the first part--being cute and sweet and a bit mischievous isn't all that bad but the second part is what I'm wondering about. Do I really not take anything seriously? I mean, I thought I was pretty serious about taking this test. Especially on one question that had me stumped about what I would do if I were working in an ice cream shop and it was super busy. I seriously would try to convince people to order random flavors and combinations. So what? Wouldn't you?

I'm learning that ice cream is a really sensitive topic. You can tell a lot about a person by what kind of ice cream they order. Example #1: We just bought some goo-ood ice cream (it really should have another name...more exotic and yummy sounding- like ice ambrosia). Mr. T would even say that he pities the fool who doesn't have this sweet taste on their pallets. This just goes to show how brilliant and serious we really are.


Jen said...

You are hilarious, Mary!

sara said...

I took this and it says I'm a vanilla... I think this quiz is seriously flawed. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm 100% Chocolate all the way. I will agree that ice cream is very important - dare I say necessary for proper human functioning. Why do you think that the average life span has increased so much - ice cream. It's the only possible answer!

melody said...

Your blog is great, Mary! I'm so glad I found it linked to Emily's. Congratulations on your wedding - so sorry we were out of town during the reception. I bet it was all beautiful and perfect. Can't wait to meet your new husband - perhaps at the cousins' picnic!?

Oh, I love the post about the pen stealing. Ha!